Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Bridge Design Process
Bridge Design Process In order to begin we must start our design process with the first step. We have to identify the need. The scenario is that we need to connect two pieces of land or structure so that a car must be able to pass through it. In this project we are to design and construct a bridge for a matchbox car. The bridge must be made of balsa wood and glue only. It must support its own weight, the load of the matchbox car, and additional weights that will be added. Next we must identify what problem is given.In this scenario our problem would be that we have a car that wants to travel between the two areas that the bridge is attached. We have only certain materials that can be used in constructing our bridge. And using those certain materials it must be of a particular size. And once those criteria have been met we must have a strong bridge that will carry the weight of the car and any additional weights placed on it. This bridge must have a truss design. Step three of our des ign process we search for ideas.From our research we know that the triangle is the strongest shape in construction and this is why trusses are made up of triangles. Our bridge must be a truss bridge design. So we have done research as a group and individually on the different truss bridge designs. There are many different truss designs that already exist. So we have done internet research into the trials and tests put on these different designs to see what features are stronger than others. Then we look at the project constraints that are given to us.The constraints that we have are materials, roadbed size, cross section size, span opening, and overall bridge width. The materials can only be balsa wood and glue. Glue can not be on surfaces that are not bonded. The roadbed is where the matchbox car must be able to pass along the bridge. The roadbed must also be able to accommodate the loading block with footprint, which is required for adding weights. There are also measurement const raints on the roadbed. The cross section wood members must not exceed one-eighth by on-eighth inch.Span opening must be approximately four hundred millimeters. The bridge has a minimum width of fifty millimeters with no maximum width constraint. There is no minimum or maximum height requirement. The design criterion is the fifth step in the design process. The criteria would include the cost, reliability, weight, maintenance, appearance, compatibility, safety, noise level, effectiveness, durability, feasibility, and acceptance. Cost is very manageable for our design since the only materials will be balsa wood and glue, which are relatively easy to find.The whole idea for the bridge design was something that could safely carry the weight of the car and the weight of the loading block plus all the weights that will be added. So therefore, when picking the design, we chose something that we thought would be reliable enough to carry all the required weights while safely allowing the car to pass through without flexing or collapsing. We also tried to make our bridge as light in weight as possible for the design because we will be competing for the lightest bridge if ours carries our predicted weight.The design appearance is very symmetrical which is pleasing to the eye. It is nothing too complex, which makes it very acceptable. This bridge is very compatible with any location or environment. Since our design is a very open design the noise level would be minimal since it is not enclosed. It is, overall, a very durable and feasible design. Step six in the design process is to find alternative solutions. Before we came up with our final bridge design we had many alternative solutions to the problem that would fit the need. In our group we have seven members.So we each individually did our own research about the materials, about trusses, and about different bridge designs. After that research we each came up with our own individual bridge design that we thought would be sufficient for the need. We then made a sketch of that bridge in our group journal. Then during our next meeting, we discussed each bridge and the strengths and weaknesses of each bridge. And from all those alternative solutions we came up together, using something from each individual idea, with a bridge design that was the best for the final product.For the analysis part of the bridge, we focused mainly on design. Because this is a truss bridge, and the strongest structural shape is a triangle, we knew that we had to focus on the trusses in the bridge. We did research on the stronger and weaker truss designs. Through our research we found that the bridges that contained more triangles were the bridges that ended up holding up the best to stress being added. Along with the design, the physics behind the trusses were of equal importance.We included a truss analysis along with our bridge to determine if the weight that the bridge has to support will be distributed along the length of the bridge evenly. Other factors that we took into account are how the bridge was going to be loaded. We knew the weight was going to be anchored to the middle of the bridge so we had to make sure that the weight would be evenly distributed to keep from collapsing. Our criteria from our decision matrix came from many different places. Before we each picked a bridge to input into our group journal, we had done a lot of research.We had to research what a truss bridge was and what made them strong. Then we had to incorporate those ideas into our design. So once each of us had picked a bridge that we thought was sufficient for a final product that design still had to convince the other members of the group before it was chosen as the one design for the overall product. The final design was something that we all agreed would withstand the weight. For the specification part our project we have many things. First we have all our bridge ideas sketched in our journal. We then have a deta iled AutoCAD drawing of our final design.And we have a truss analysis of the angles of our trusses in our portfolio. The Bridge Design Process: The Abstract We are given a project, or a problem, where we need to attach two masses with a bridge so that a car may be able to pass through it. The bridge must meet certain criteria and constraints. It must carry the car and added weights and still be safe. But before we can determine a bridge design, we must use our ten step design process to come up with a sufficient design. The following report goes in depth on that process and our decision process.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Children Matters: Conflict Minerals and their harmful
Congo, I decided to focus my paper on the children of the Congo and rounding countries, Including stones of child soldiers of the country and how It affects the community and family stung there. Why? These children are facing an unimaginable reality that is culturally bypassed by our degree of living here in America. I want to see how my recent knowledge of conflict minerals affects this relationship between the young children there and how it contributes to their upbringing, If there is a relationship at all.For this paper, extensive research has been placed on many sources, both academic and non-academic. I tried to choose viewpoints that showed opposition to en another on the subject of child issues and conflict minerals, as well as find viewpoints that might provide a unique perspective. For the beginning research and to get me started on thinking of the conflicts within the Congo come the two texts we used for our conflict minerals readings and paper one, ââ¬Å"Consuming the Co ngo' by Peter Chastened and ââ¬Å"Coolantâ⬠by Michael Nest.Both these text offer opposing views on the role of conflict minerals within the Congo and but detail some statistics and personal experience to. Peter Lactated Is a dedicated Journalist who shares stories f human rights abuse and is also a stakeholder in the role of child soldiers, the focus of his first main book written in 2010. He has spent years traveling throughout Africa finding tales of incredible courage from natives and exposing some of the true horror that takes place there. Michael Nest is a Journalist who focuses development issues and governance with regards to natural resources.He has collected many statistics through his work In Africa to showcase and explain that It's not only minerals that are fueling the fire in the Congo, and takes a look at other political and economic factors. From my academic books and to hopefully showcase some light on child soldiers' subject I choose these credible books. Fir st is ââ¬Å"Young Soldiers, Why They Choose to Fight by Rachel Brett and Irma Suspect. This book collects firsthand accounts of why children who have been abducted by various militia groups throughout Africa by the former soldier themselves.It also highlights their roles In book and its accounts within because they offer true words and experiences from these kids. The authors spent a good deal of research to showcase this book and it reflects in the stories that are given. My next piece is title Child Slavery Now by Gary Craig. Gary Craig is an Associate Fellow and Emeritus Professor of Social Justice at the Wildflower Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation where he led a team of workers following modern slavery for nine years.He currently is His book has brought together countless contributions from multiple authors, each with a high level of understanding of modern slavery issues, all around the world. This piece offers great support for this topic. My last book, tit led ââ¬Å"War and Childrenâ⬠, is a reference handbook written by Kenned E. Deputy and Shrink Peters. This book, although lengthy, highlights some of the true horrors of mid Africa and there consequences both to the country, and to the children. It's great interesting to see how an unlucky experience in the Congo or anywhere else can lead to a life full of pain.This reference also effectively describes the groups and activist that are in the fight to help solve these horrible happenings and uses other sources that help represent additional stakeholders in my paper. Other notable sources used for this paper include some facts that represent United State stakeholders from Whitehorse. Ova, the official government site of the United States of America. I also used an article from the New York Times who offers current and public opinion on what is going on multiple issues worldwide.These sources are trusted by the people of America for our daily news to governmental policies put in e ffect across America. Their ethos is incredibly accounted for on a variety of issues and I am happy to have their words and facts within this document. Interesting enough there is a stakeholder that is not represented by words but has had his actions criticized by my other sources. His actions have recently gained national attention and exposure from credible news stations to social media sites such as Backbone and Twitter.Everyone is asking the same question, where in the world Joseph Kong is. Joseph Kong is the leader of the LIRA, the Lord's Resistance Army, infamously known for their recruitment of young child soldiers within their group from the Congo, by any means necessary. Joseph Kong might be the most searched man for 2012 but his lack of words will prove to be the source of some of the most heated feelings within the Congo and among my other sources. I look forward to explaining more as the paper goes along.My luckiest and most valuable source I feel I have for this paper i s my friend Maggie who recently spent 6 months in Uganda, a neighboring country of the Congo in which she dedicated her time to helping child soldiers within the area. Before she came, she did years of research, independent study, and kept up to date with Invisible children, rehabilitation centers, what happens to people once they get out of the center. For months she followed Sam Chillers, who opened an orphanage to protect surrounding areas from the dangers of child soldier endangerment and abduction.She worked personally with former child soldiers and listened and learned their stories and built relationships with these children over a span 3 months, recently coming back in September 2011. Her firsthand experience and knowledge of the unfolding events there both give her an incredible amount of ethos and a leg up on my paper for my sources; I feel her story will help me better With these sources in abundance, I have no doubt I have some good information and good opposing views fo r this paper. These sources are backed by years of research and personal stories/experiences.I didn't really give thought to how many resources I should pick, but feel this is quite adequate for the lesson at hand. Their words should really give a detailed look into the lives of the children within the Congo, and how conflict minerals and other factors contribute to this rapidly media attention getting lifestyle of Africa. Section l: Fact: Conjecture and Definition The conjecture of conflict minerals and child issues within the Congo are in abundance with regards to my sources. For the beginning of this section and my early research, I have found that all my sources do in fact agree on the belief that these actions are real.That is, they are happening. The steady mining of minerals by natives who have been exploited and/or worse, turned into rebel army members to force others to do their dirty deeds has Just been the fuel that has burned this real life wildfire for years. ââ¬Å"Con suming the Congo' written by Journalist Peter Chastened might Just perhaps be the best source to define the term conflict minerals. His book was incredibly easy to understand and relate to as he took me through the Journey behind the curtains of Africans darkest war.He defines the conflict minerals resources mined in the midst of armed conflict and egregious human right busesâ⬠(Chastened). That is, these are minerals used by the world by labor rights that cause conflict within Africa. These conflicts included forcing natives to mine the minerals under the eyes of militia groups that use the minerals to wage for machinery within their rebel groups. As well as his research behind the conflict minerals within the Congo, Peter helps tie in my other research and definition of child soldiers within the country as well.He in fact wrote his first book about it, titled First Kill your family: Child Soldiers of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army. From y understanding, Chastened first covered this story to see what was in deed happening right in the land where Maggie traveled. This indeed should build upon hi ethos. Coolant is another great source and Nest's works goes above and the beyond the violence in Africa. Michael Nest shares some of the dark and disturbing facts and figures of the minerals that are mined daily, there are an estimated 750,000 to 2,000,000 artisan miners in the DRY peg. 7. In 2000, eastern DRY became enveloped in coolant fever, akin to the gold rushes of the 19th century in the United States. Conflict is not new to Congo' (Nest peg. 6). Between the amount of workers that are exploited for these minerals and the rush for the mineral brought by major corporations, show indeed why these minerals are considered conflict material. ââ¬Å"Few share Island's confidence in the government. Some suggest that if the government wants peace in eastern Congo, it needs to involve mining communities in the structure of the government.The government needs to become more inclusive, not exclusive. Most communities are isolated and therefore vulnerable, forcing them to turn to armed ethnic groups for protection and for a sense of community and control. (Nest) Young Soldiers. ââ¬Å"l entered in war very early, when I was 12 or less I came to Missionaries for schooling and I became involved in war. I never wanted to use gun and I never wanted to fight in my country. [â⬠¦ ]We had to defend and fight, proves that this is indeed happening to kids, on not Just Africa but a global level.The point of this book shares the untold stories of children, straight from the children themselves. Child issues in Africa are defined in many ways as shown by my sources as well as the conflict minerals. For most of my sources, their reason for their existence is based n the universal, Western definition and belief that children, especially under the age of 18, should not be involved with the actions of war. However ,Young Soldiers, Why they Choose to Fi ght wants to define these children as indicating they have a choice in whether they pursue this lifestyle or not, a unique perspective.There following 53 natives of boys and girls The United States of America has constructed laws in attempts to define Child Soldiering and how they would react to it, thus indicating that they do in fact believe these acts are happening. According to this New York Times Article written in 010 about child soldiers in the Congo, the U. S reported the following; ââ¬Å"The Congo was exempted because United States-backed programs were helping its military become more professional and fight rights abuses. â⬠ââ¬Å"Recruiting young children for militia purposes and other doings?Yes, this type of enslavement exists. I have noticed it a lot in (through my research) of the Eastern Countries, in China, India, and especially in the area of Congo, Uganda, Sudan, and Central Republic of Africaâ⬠. (Maggie). These are the words from my fellow traveler Mag gie, who sums up in agreement what most of my other sources tell me within their own words. Her experience there leaves no doubt in my mind these actual crimes of humanity, as it would be viewed in the United States, are indeed happening overseas. About half of the victims and casualties of war are people under the age of 18 and nearly 250,000 boys and girls worldwide are actively involved in fighting as soldiers. â⬠(War and Children). This staggering statistic sums up at once the fact that this type of injustice to children, 18 and younger, is happening. Nearly half, half of all the soldiers are merely children, who die as a result of this violence. Here is the law of the United States Child Prevention Act of 2008 which clearly fines child soldiers as illegal to practice.SUBJECT: Presidential Determination with Respect to Section 404(c) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, pursuant to section 404(c) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CAPS), title IV of the William Wildflower Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorizing Act of 2008 (Public Law 110 457), I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application to Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, and Yemen of the repetition in section 404(a) of the CAPS.If you read closely, this law makes child soldiers legal in the above listed areas, but only for a limited amount of time, a window that has far exceeded its curfew here in 2012. The United States is now firmly against the idea of Child Soldiers, all who are The consequence of this are mentioned later. Section II: Causes and Consequences: The amount of varied expressions and claims in this section make it the most interesting in my opinion.The general agreed upon assumption between all my sources is that the event of child soldiers and conflict minerals do exist in the C ongo ND throughout Africa and has caused some serious violence across the country. But there are other sources within that speak with their actions and show what many might think as a consequence as actually a great side effect. For my friend Maggie when asked about the cause of these young fighters, she quickly replied with intensity to her voice. It occurs in Uganda because the rebel army ââ¬Å"Lord's Resistance Army or LIRAâ⬠take children because e they are easy targets and are part of their strategy because children are the only age group that will give the LIRA an advantage because their adversaries will reconsider shooting a child. It comes down to free labor,â⬠she breathes ââ¬Å"and they don't have to honor any rights inâ⬠. This is Magpie's view of the impending causes and consequences of the child soldiers within Africa. In this claim, she points to a group of rebels already within Africa, not at the United States. Is this because of lack of knowledge of o ur involvement or an oversight?This is Just one viewpoint. As mentioned before she doesn't really share the same ethos on conflict minerals as my other sources do. Chastened takes a much broader approach to the claim of conflict minerals, ultimately suggesting that the cause of this inflict, besides from the minerals, includes mostly the need for these items and the corporations who pay for them. In Consuming the Congo, he states the following. ââ¬Å"Are the producers and consumers of electronics really at fault in eastern Congo? If corporate blame is to be dispensed, it needs to be directed to all. (Chastened, Epilogue 214).This includes the thought the we, westerners of society, are contributing to the deadly ear that has waged on for years there by the simple use of our cell phones and other daily items. Right from the beginning of his novel, Chastened calls out his audience with this call to action; ââ¬Å"Every time you use a cell phone or log on to a computer, you could be co ntributing to the death toll in the bloodiest, most violent region in the world; the eastern Congo. â⬠In the eyes of Nest, his view of the cause and consequences both mirror the thoughts of Chastened but still hold his own opinion. Coolant attracts so many armed groups. If there were no 136). By Ezekiel, a representative of the Lubber region, a gold mining community, met by Nest on his travels. The major assumption in this quote identifies the users of these items to be the reasons of conflict in Africa. The consequence is obviously death of millions of natives and mass damage to the land of Africa. Michael Nest's Book also states the following; ââ¬Å"Coolant came to the attention of the general media in 2001 when reports began filtering in of warlords in the Congo earning enormous profits from a rare mineral and a frenzied coolant rush of miners into the Jungle to exploit deposits. Caused by Palpitation 2)peg. 12 Coolant and Conflict page 66-ââ¬Å"A common them in all phase s of conflicts is the devastating impact of violence on civilians, especially in rural communities. Armed groups have engaged in widespread sexual violence, kidnapped men, women, and children, stolen livestock and possessions, burned houses, and made working in agriculture fields extremely dangerous. â⬠Peg. 67 As mentioned before, Michael believes there are many cause of the violence of Congo, not Just Coolant. This includes politics, minerals from other countries and the greed of other major corporations within.These factors influence the rushes that have placed these natives to work in mines in order to survive. Young Soldiers Why the Choose to fight brings a new claim to the table on why these child soldiers are indeed soldiers. According to a research project conducted by the ILL, about two thirds of child soldiers interviewed in Burundi, Congo-Brazzaville, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and others concluded that they took the initiative of enrolling themselves When I first saw this I was shocked, these is no way this is true.But further research and analysis done by Brett and Speech and the stories they collected show another side of why these children decide to engage in acts we ourselves in the western world would not even think of. Then again, survival between African kids and American kids has a somewhat different meaning to it. And that's exactly what some of the causes for this unnatural (or natural behavior) are. Some of these kids that Join are for their own safety, they have nowhere else to go. There are economic downsides for the reintegration of child soldiers back into society.Sometimes it seems in the best interest in the child to return him to his family but sometimes they are too far gone or families can't afford to keep them. All my sources seem to agree that there is indeed a consequence of these actions that go with the children and conflict minerals, consequences that are not good, and lead into my next point of tension. Ba d consequences include the above. Outside of the children, damage to tribes, any family ties, trust between generations, instills corruption, fight to stay alive, family members turn on family members. (War and Children) Section Ill: Value and Evaluation: Most of my sources would agree the evaluation of the situation is a bad, but maybe not as bad as everyone thinks. This is seen in Michael Nest's book. ââ¬Å"Violence in the DRY is not the result of Just one issue. ââ¬Å"(Coolant, peg. 103). This is in terms of Coolant, only one mineral in Africa that provides the world supply of only Just 5 percent. When o look at the numbers and statistics of Michaels I must agree that it seems to be and providing hard times for children who are there mining instead of attending school Other examples of Coolant page 100-105 with this statement. A common theme in all phases of conflicts is the devastating impact of violence on civilians, especially in rural communities Naturally, the narrowed vie w of Coolant gives Nest a narrow mind set and not as broad as my other sources go such as Maggie with the thought of conflict When I asked my friend Maggie her evaluation this was her response. ââ¬Å"My evaluation is that it is bad, I would dare to say it's terrible. Striping children of their innocence in any way is barbaric is horrible. And the things the Army makes them do is inconceivable.The issue of child soldiers in not a big deal maybe in our country, but in Africa, it's become a mainstream issue because anyone around that area has been affected. Whether it be people they know have been taken or have seen the violence, the natives over there have witnessed firsthand this injustice. â⬠Maggie words speak to my soul and the hurt in her voice can only be the tip of what these children are feeling like when they are forced to do such horrible actions. She personal ââ¬Å"l personally see no good consequences of this action because the damage done to the child is far greate r than any good could come out of it.Forcing children to kill parents, or beating, raping, torturing them into submission outweighs any ââ¬Å"prosâ⬠that exist for the. â⬠However this is seen in opposition by Joseph Kong, who is the ringleader in gathering up small children to fight in militia groups all around Africa. You could say he is the fire that both Maggie and other activist wish to extinguish and discontinue from burning. I personally have no words from Joseph himself, but his actions have certainly said plenty.It is quite evident he believes child soldiers are a good thing, a way of cheap labor and early brainwashing that allows his own methods of reasoning to be put in full use. His avoidance of capture suggest he knows what he is doing is wrong, but is perfectly k with continuing his lifestyle of crime, organizing militias to take unsuspecting children and ultimately develop them into a product that might never be able to be returned back to society. When the United States goes into evaluation of the conflict that is taken place in the Congo, it's obvious by the law that they don't believe in the practices that are in use there. â⬠I prohibition in section 404(a) of the CAPS. â⬠This is there Evaluation that it is no longer going to be tolerated by the United States if it in deed continues to happen, and that we will refuse to help their military should these illegal practices continue to be put into use A Story from War and Children. This quote is summarized by a kid who became part of the LIRA because his uncle turned his family so that his uncle would stay safe. He and two of his brothers were made into child soldiers and her sister had been raped repeatedly to the point where she now has five kids.His parents were killed in front of him by LIRA soldiers because they would not turn in their children to them. It's sad to think that your own family can be the cause of your situation as was the case with this child Consuming t he Congo- ââ¬Å"Over five and a half million have died as a result of the violence that takes place there. Every time we use a mobile phone, use a video game console, or open a tin can, we hold the lives and deaths of the eastern. â⬠This is the deep evaluation of Peter Chastened, which in Africa. â⬠Peg. 5.It's an exaggeration that is meant to receive sympathy from the audience which in turns reveals that Peter does feel that the situation in the Congo is needlessly bad, and we have a chance to stop it. Young Soldiers- Why They Choose to Fight: The want for this particular source answers this proposal of this is bad. Children ââ¬Å"volunteeringâ⬠Just to have a meal it sickens me. But the stories within are not all as ââ¬Å"badâ⬠. There are children like Stephen from the United Kingdom and German, from the DRY who want to fight for their country. Is that a bad thing?Certainly not, I myself have a close friend who is joining the air force. The only difference is that he is 18, these kids are 12. It's this hype of cross roads that mix the evaluation as bad or good between my sources, heck even in between my own sources. Here in the United States it's against the law to Join the army so young, but we view defending our country as a good and honorable thing. Is it not Just as honorable if it's a child, according to most of my sources, and our western ideology in our modern world, the answer would be no. It sure gives something to think about through.. Section lb.Proposal Between all my sources, the current paid media attention and my own feelings toward these actions, it is quite evident that the call to action is to help these hillier and natives of the Congo. However, finding having the right call for action is like finding the right wireless network. Should one go unlimited, helping every known cause of war and conflict affecting these children, Juggling mass activist projects and let loose their opinions simply because they can, or shou ld one personalize their data plan, attacking the heart of problem of which they believe to have the most anguish and severity. And if so, what plan is right?To Maggie, the answer is clear. ââ¬Å"Ending child slavery is a desirable action, for having it continue would be an injustice to these children and allow torture to continue. The emotion in Magpie's voice during this answer shows me she really cares about the inhumane actions that are happening here. She's seen firsthand the negative effects that continue to drive against these children. She also believes certain actions would lead to this desirable outcome. ââ¬Å"On a small scale, apprehending Joseph Kong would go a long way. All the higher ups of the rebel army, all LIRA officials must be apprehended. Efforts by the U.S are in route but might be too late. I support people are trying to make this an issue. â⬠Here Maggie reflects on the recent resurgence and the fight to bring this man, Joseph Kong, to Justice. ââ¬Å" It's turned into genocide and we have ignored it for years for what, no icon value in Africa, focus on oil. Too fine he would be easy, he goes through talks and negations through other people but would flake out, for years the government has known where he is but has not gone after him. â⬠When I questioned about the impending coverage of these children and Joseph Kong she replied with this; ââ¬Å"It's finally getting more coverage, so it's on the radar.Mostly people Jumping on the bandwagon but it's out there All comes down to economics, the fact that we didn't alp reinforces the idea that they are not worth helping. â⬠Here, Maggie claims that it is indeed important to bring down Joseph Kong and that we need to take charge in part of the United States is represented as well as I see a connection between Magpie's thoughts real events happening. The want to bring this guy to Justice is strong, flooding the airwaves of social media network to people all over the world.But its action from these people that will make a difference, not Just the click of a button in agreement with the above policy. The Proposal claim for Consuming the Congo was found in Chastened epilogue. The Congolese must create their own solutions to their problems. The key to solving the conflict minerals puzzle lies within the people of the eastern Congo and their government. Rather than engaging in aggressive public relations tactics, rights, campaigners, advocacy groups, and others might better become involved in eastern Congo in more meaningful ways.They have choices. â⬠These choices don't Just include ââ¬Å"Jumping on the bandwagonâ⬠as Maggie would say or even stopping using popular devices such as cell phones that use minerals mine by children and other natives who are doing forced labor. From his claim I have deemed that it is important that the Congo help themselves, and show a want to change of the conflict that arises from these terrible actions Michael Nest p roposal conclusion shares some actions from opposing author Peter Chastened. However, he has his own proposal and reasoning. What can and should a concerned person do to end the relationship between coolant and the war in the eastern Congo. He wants you to learn the facts, become educated. All decisions should be made if you are an informed person. â⬠It might not be worth to participate in a mobile phone boycott. â⬠(Coolant, 185) Nest offers a lot more participation from the government and politics to help bring a stop to the violence within the Congo. I whole heartedly agree with Nest's proposal because as more and more attention to this matter comes up, especially in conversations with my peers, I am noticing a lack of knowledge on the subject.If one wants to run and help, they must first learn to walk. Nest's also elaborates on the importance of the Congo needing to help themselves, placing some blame on the government. ââ¬Å"Few share Island's confidence in the gove rnment. Some suggest that if the government wants peace in eastern Congo, it needs to involve mining immunities in the structure of the government. The government needs to become more inclusive, not exclusive. Most communities are isolated and therefore vulnerable, forcing them to turn to armed ethnic groups for protection and for a sense of community and control. (Nest) Based on this thought, it seems the government is not doing enough in Nest's opinion to take care of the growing problem. Having an inclusive community can change how they interact with one another and possible change their horrid lifestyles. The United States has proposed to stop Child Soldier with their Child Soldier Prevention act of 2008 as already discussed. With this law, aid of our Unites States military will not go those who allow people under the age of 18 to fight in wars.With this proposal put in effect, it has discouraged other countries from losing the aid we would give them, this is ultimately the acti on we want to take place in order to have the government of the Congo follow through and not allow Child Soldiers. My last proposal comes from Why They Choose to Fight. This book is unique as it begins to break down the stories of the children and ex-soldiers and asks them what they involvement from other to help build better education and employment opportunities so that kids now have more options then to have to fight for their freedom from rebel groups. Three of the most significant are education, employment, or other economic activity to reestablish relationships within familiesâ⬠(Young Soldiers) it seems they want people here to help and protect these three important factors in order to stop the flow of violence. The question of proposal that is being answered in the topic is: What can help the dire child issues within the Congo as well as its relation with conflict minerals. Nest and Chastened follow that of action, becoming educated and maybe Joining activist groups tha t know that follow the cause.The United States and Nelson feel it is important the Congolese Government step up and fight this issue. From the current media attention and Maggie thoughts, finding Kong 2012 is of the utmost importance. For authors Brett and Aspect, and Gary Craig argue to end child labor and cruelty by keeping children in school, employed, factors that don't influence to turn to this lifestyle. Each source brings good ideas to proposal, and factors them above and below everyone else's respectively. But the assumption of the need to help is there in all sources, and motivates its audience to do the same.Reflection, Synthesis, and Points of Entries for Papers 3 and 4 So this is it. This is the moment I have dreaded since I first became admitted into the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. This is the paper that will make or break me and allow all my weaknesses to be seen with hopes that the will either be improved, or point me down a much darker path that has no w riting in my future. I am scared for this paper 2. Not because of the number of pages or the deadline. It's the no BBS part. This paper is very real and is expected to be of superb material. How am l, a freshman, supposed to be able to produce this?To say I feel way in over my head is a huge understatement, I am not even sure where to begin. I know my focus on my paper should follow what we have covered in class and that has been the uprising of violence within the Congo. But what does that mean? Why do I care? How am I going to manage at least 15 pages of stasis theory to cover this in a way that puts me ahead of my scholars? That's my main concern, I really want to start proving I am a writer UT I feel so lost, to people here I'm Just another student, but I have dreams and I fear that this work will be for nothing.But anyway, let's focus more on this paper shall we. Children; kids, the future, young, innocent, free. These are the usual thoughts and synonyms that describe these lit tle people that could very well end the dire situation I have recently learned. We all have our own thoughts and when it comes to portraying children, now I think of them holding guns. Think of nine and ten year olds working to feed their families, being abducted from their village to Join militia armies
Monday, July 29, 2019
Business Ethics and Their Role in Organizational Development
Business Ethics and their role in Organizational Development Brett Ballesteros National University In business today there are many different forms of operation and ways of achieving a successful firm. Organizational behaviors are key to insuring a business withstands the test of time and does so through the individual employees that are the foundation to firms around the world. These individuals must live and work by a set of ethics that the company and their everyday lives have instilled in them. Ethics can either make or break a company through employees application of this concept in the workplace.Ethics can be defined as a ââ¬Å"moral philosophy involving systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviorâ⬠(Fieser, 2003). In business, these ethics need to reflect the ideology and morals a company is built upon through the individuals and groups that represent a firm. The code of ethics for any business is put in place to ensure that their posi tion on integrity and conduct are not compromised. A business must maintain a certain level of integrity in order to be trusted not only by consumers, but its employees as well, as this is the cornerstone for corporate relationships.This code of ethics is typically based on the basic principles of right and wrong, whereas the individual must be able to differentiate between the two when formulating decisions that will directly affect the companies integrity. These decisions may not be entirely clear due to the nature and uniqueness to the different possible situations that may arise. Business ethics are there to make sure the business itself is governing good behavior. Thatââ¬â¢s why there are certain laws to prevent companies from over-working employees, or making sure children are not working for them as well.When companies use business ethics, it gives them a chance to show their morals. Every company should have a set of morals that they conduct their business by. Having thes e moral beliefs in a company gives the business something to set the rules by. It makes it much easier for managers employees to make their decisions based on their set of business ethics because that way they have a set of morals they can abide by when handling business decision-making. ââ¬Å"Consequential theories of ethics emphasize the consequences or results of behavior.John Stuart Millââ¬â¢s utilitarianism, a well-known consequential theory, suggests that right and wrong are determined by the consequences of the action. ââ¬Å"Goodâ⬠is the ultimate moral value, and we should maximize the most good for the greatest number of peopleâ⬠(Nelson & Quick, 2012). Itââ¬â¢s only obvious that good business ethics include having good moral as is. No one person wants to work for a company that they fell has bad morals. According to the company, Levi Strauss & Co. they set their business ethics up to: honesty, promise-keeping, fairness, respect for others, compassion, and integrity.They state, ââ¬Å"As we seek to achieve responsible commercial success, we will be challenged to balance these principles against each other, always mindful of our promise to shareholders, that we will achieve responsible commercial successâ⬠(Stillman). A smart business knows that it must set ethics, character, and personal integrity inside each of its employees. This way each employee knows what is expected of them and that they are comfortable in their workplace. Not every job that I have attained has had good business ethics, but the ones that do are the ones that have stuck with me.If the employer treats their employee right it can only reap great reward. If an employee loves working for their company they are going to want that business to succeed, so they will promote the place and receive more sales that way. When it comes down to it, every person wants to work for a company who has great morals. Whether people actually abide by these ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠mora ls in life, they always tend to want to find a company who will keep these business ethics in mind. Good business ethics plainly mean that the people working there are going to have good morals.Having good business ethics means the company is going to receive trust of their employees which is going to build business partners and clients alike. In order for companies to attract and retain valuable employees, good ethic treatment is necessary. Every company has a code that they set their ethics to, and as long as they abide by those codes they are going to have people who are willing to work hard for them, also when these employees work hard it makes sense that the company should provide ethic praise.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Research Paper Example For the purposes of this study, McMurphy code of behavior while in the correctional facility is closely investigated. McMurphy suffers from dissociative disorder. McMurphy as the main character displays a set of behaviors that strongly suggest that he is suffering from dissociative disorders. Primarily, dissociative disorders refer to irregular disruption of memory functions, personal identity, or personality. Dissociative disorder is a skewed psychological reaction in response to previous traumatic or distressful conditions. Simply put, dissociative disorder can be said to be a defense mechanism against previous bad or traumatic experiences. It is claimed that most of the cases of dissociative disorders occur among persons who have gone through traumatic experiences. According to Butler as quoted by Sharhram and Stephen; the most important feature of the dissociative experience is absorption and in all dissociative experiences, pathological and non-pathological, self-reflective mech anisms are terminated and because of that, in any dissociative experience the sense of self is lost and the experience of body and world is changed--which is described as depersonalization and derealization (Sharhram and Stephen, 2011, p. 3) What happens is that the person experiences spasms of impartiality from self when a traumatic or a similar phenomenon. It can be claimed that McMurphyââ¬â¢s dissociative disorder stemmed from the fact that he used to serve in military. Although the movie does not depict clearly the primary cause of McMurphyââ¬â¢s dissociative disorder, he must have developed the problem while serving in the Korean War. In the movie, McMurphy displays many symptoms of dissociative disorder albeit implicitly. Firstly, he is always in brawls with Nurse Ratched. For instance, he uses card games to win over all the cigarettes from the rest of the patients. However, Nurse Ratched confiscates the cigarettes and Murphy gets on her by demanding that the hospital po licies need reevaluation. At this point, Murphy is oblivious of his status as a mental patient and goes ahead to experience a moment of alienation from the reality (Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First &à Maj, 2011). Possibly, Nurse Ratched reminds him of a painful past in the military whereby he underwent a humiliating experience. In another spectacular scene, Murphy uses the hospital bus without the permission and knowledge of the hospital staff. Interestingly, he carries his fellow patients and takes them to a fishing site whereby they use a fishing boat for deep-sea fishing. Arguably, the events at the fishing site clearly depict that indeed, Murphy is suffering from dissociative disorder. Notably, he tells the colleagues that they should not be afraid since they are fishermen and not mad as the nurses tell them in the hospital. At this moment, it can be posited that Murphy is experiencing a dissociative disorder since he is simply trying to change his personal identity and the ident ity of the colleagues in response to the harsh and unpleasant experience that he undergoes while in hospital. In yet another scene, Murphy takes on Nurse Ratched after she warns Billy that she will tell his mother what they had done in the hospital. Murphy shows yet more severe symptoms of dissociative disorder by experiencing a moment of irregular mental functions (Frederickà & McNeal, 1999; Tasman, Kay, Liebe
Sunday, July 28, 2019
B300 TMA06 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
B300 TMA06 - Essay Example Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which compose the bulk of the population of the Persian Gulf states, have a rapidly growing export base, as evidenced by a 12 percent increase in exports between 1990 and 1994. The region's international airports--Tehran International, Dubai, Jeddah, and Riyadh International--experienced more than a 50 percent increase in international air passengers between 1988 and 1994. The number of weekly international flights at Tehran International, Dubai International Airport, and Riyadh International increased by 6.3 percent from 1983 to 1993 (Withiam, 1994). In addition, the number of international markets served by Tehran, Dubai, and Riyadh has increased from twenty-two to 102 destinations in more than fifty-seven countries around the world (Journal of Commerce, 1994). Between 1983 and 1993, the region accounted for a 2.1 percent global market share in air passengers, and for 2.3 percent of the world's revenue passenger-kilometers in 1991, In 1992 the port of Sharja in the UAE handled 37,400 ton-equivalent units (TEU), a 146 percent increase over 1991, and about fifty-five thousand TEU in 1993. There is an increased inflow of international investment in this region. The region's major international strengths include oil and natural gas, major international airports, ports along the Persian Gulf, high disposable income per household, an educated labor force, a growing high technology industrial base, and world-class financial centers. In addition, the region is home to many international and regional organizations. In the aftermath of the Arab-Israeli peace accord, people feel more confident about the stability of the region.The region has many weaknesses. These weaknesses include a lack of positive image, a serious need for surface transportation improvements, a lack of efficient and speedy bureaucracies, a perceived high cost of doing business, inadequacies in the workforce, and the absence of a single entity to promote the region internationally. The Persian Gulf region has neither the competitive international reputation nor the economic-development focus of other compe ting regions. As such, it is not a priority location choice for American and Western European investors. The region possesses the basic assets and intellectual talents to compete with any region on the globe. However, it must operate, harmonize, and engage its combined resources to move forward in a deliberate effort to improve its international competitiveness ( Porter, 1986). The Middle East must have a regional business policy which will be crafted by a regional international business council. This business council will be made up of public and private sector representatives. The business council needs to make a long-term commitment to increase the Middle East region's international competitiveness and to develop an integrated strategy for marketing it more effectively. In order to reduce uncertainty and provide greater economic stability, the Gulf countries must unite and develop a business policy that will diversify their economies. For this business policy to work, they need to focus on foreign investment and technology, subsequently enhancing the countries' ability to attract, absorb, and become globally competitive. There are three pending urgent actions that the Gulf countries need to undertake. One, develop a spirit of public and private partnership. Two, improve the region's internat
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Reward and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reward and Performance - Essay Example In contrast, survey carried out by Kenneth Kovach depicted that employee's ranked good wages fifth among their top ten job reward factors. Therefore, there appears to be a difference in ideology of what motivates employees (Kovach, 1995). Motivation revels when in an organisation considers all factors affecting performance. (Ruebusch, 2003). These factors include individual needs, nature of the job i.e. degree of job challenge and goal clarity, job design, job security, organisational climate, a sense of personal significance, stability of expectations, recognition, trust, honest communication, dignity and respect, as well as an equitable reward system which will be discussed in great detail in the proposed thesis. The exigency to motivate employees with desirable rewards has hitherto salvaged a significant level of importance; this is because rewards can serve as motivators but could also have negative reactions should that supposed merit falls below employee's expectations. Therefore, this thesis seeks to examine the impact of valued rewards on performance in the banking industry utilizing the expectancy theory and two factor theory of motivation framework, while introducing other factors that influence the activity levels of performance. From my critical research on the literature on motivation, as well as the growing need by managers to find solutions to the question how do they motivate employees, I discovered a few conjectures that need to be addressed and elaborated upon in this dissertation. One aim is to ascertain the impact of valued rewards on individual and organisational performance and its effect on productivity and profitability. Then, conjuring strategies that improvises and sustains performance through the establishment of feedback channels, employee training and a friendly work environment can provide a breeding ground for trust. The examination of other variables besides rewards that affect performance such as the aforementioned job security and recognition among others must be in order so that variables can withstand and make a difference through the test of time. Finally, the determination of what rewards employees consider valuable enough to influence behaviour will allow management to be very sel ective to rewards that can profit the workers. Business organisations still face a lot of difficulties in the area of employee motivation. This poses a dilemma for employees' control of other factors of production in order to achieve goals, greater productivity and higher profits. In order to motivate people you must appeal to their deepest desires (Ruebusch, 2003). Managers should not expect a standard compensation plan or incentive program to have the similar effect on every employee. To procure top performance, compensation plans and incentive programs must be deftly tailored to meet the specific needs of each employee because employees of different ages and generational cohorts have varying needs over time (Jeffords et al, 1997). It has also been observed that extrinsic rewards have effect on employees to work proficiently. Therefore, this study will provide managers within the banking industry with a deeper insight into the needs of today's employees and rein them towards other reward trends which appear to boost employee mo rale and productivity. As highlighted by Herrera (2002), managers need to be concerned of the creation of workplace culture that
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sword Manufacturing of the Early, High, and Late Medieval Period Essay
Sword Manufacturing of the Early, High, and Late Medieval Period - Essay Example This symbolic importance was even shown in the Medieval swords design as the cross guard was framed over the handle of the sword to resemble a Christian cross. This gave the Knight the privilege to utilize the sword to protect the Christian religion. Medieval swords additionally highlighted some type of engravings. The engravings on Medieval Swords could incorporate the sword owners name and prayers to God. Engravings could likewise be simply decorations. Enhanced sword designs occurred around 1,300 and 1,500 A.D. Striking inventive sword designs had a longer grip, which permitted swordsmen to utilize two hands in battle. Long swords began to be generally utilized during the Late Middle Ages. The fame of the long sword developed because of enhanced functionality in cutting and thrusting as well as its far reaching ability (Wigelsworth, 2006). Sword smiths in northern Europe found a strategy for sword making whereby different bits of iron as well as steel bars of diverse hardness were joined by bending and folding them together. This was the method used in Europe during the early middle Ages. The capacity to work metal along these lines to make high quality swords depended on the quality of the metal used. This process was quite long and the sword smiths could take a substantial amount of time before completing one sword. This meant that the production of swords was quite slow According to Nelson & Theuws (2000), high middle age was a period of great innovation in sword making. It is during this period that sword smiths tried out different processes to acquire the best raw materials for sword making. During this period, the sword smith got to understand the processes of acquiring high quality swords without using unnecessary processes. It is during this period that the production of swords began to increase. During the late middle age, the sword smiths had perfected their skills in sword making and were aware of the important processes needed to
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Climate Change and the Experience of Poverty Essay
Climate Change and the Experience of Poverty - Essay Example Mitigation encompasses reducing the impact that one has on the environment through reduction of oneââ¬â¢s carbon footprint among other activities. Conversely, adaptation involves dealing with consequences of climate change by say, establishing methods of coping with regular floods. A gap exists in current literature on the relationship between climate change and poverty. Several analysts tend to focus on mitigation at the community level. Institutions have been formed to minimise energy use through transport. Others have addressed housing and urban development (Berrang-Ford et. al., 2011). While these efforts may contribute to long term solutions for the country in general, they do not address the direct challenges that disadvantaged community members face when dealing with extreme weather events. ... It is imperative for stakeholders at the national, corporate and local levels to target this group when creating interventions. Extreme weather events (Such as floods, storms, and cyclones) are a manifestation of climate change and have adverse effects on disadvantaged communities. Poor people live in less-robust settlements that often leave them defenceless against these situations. Furthermore, they lack information of how to protect themselves during such events. Demetriades and Esplen (2008) note that actions are necessary in order to strengthen the resilience of the vulnerable during extreme weather events. Stakeholders may empower the disadvantaged through information dissemination, infrastructural preparedness, housing tenure agreements, among others (McCright, 2010. One of the ways in which these changes are manifested is through community projects. Nongovernmental organizations and special interest groups may carry out community projects to build resilience among disadvantag ed communities. It is imperative to understand why such groups are performing this role, and whether their activities arose from gaps in policy interventions from the national and local governments. Community projects are insufficient as a coping strategy for disadvantaged communities (Zsamboky et. al., 2011). However, they represent an attempt by non-state actors to participate in an issue of grave national consequences. Their presence in deprived areas indicates that policy-makers may not be doing enough to prepare these communities for extreme weather conditions. Runhaar et. al. (2012) carried out a study in the Netherlands to assess the stimuli and barriers to climate change adaptations in urban areas. They found that a gap
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Identify and Evaluate the Sources of Long-Term Finance Available to Essay
Identify and Evaluate the Sources of Long-Term Finance Available to the Company - Essay Example Thirdly, the result from the previous estimation will be analyzed. Finally, this study will give recommendation on how the project should be financed if the board of director decides to carry out the project. TASK 1: Estimate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital for Made-Up PLC The author will now undertake the estimation of the companyââ¬â¢s weight average cost of capital (WACC) by estimating the cost of capital from each financial source of the company. The company currently has three long-term sources of finance, which are ordinary shares, preference shares and bond issuance. 1: The Cost of Ordinary Shares, Ko The company has 4,600m of ordinary shares currently sold on the market at ?1.55 per share. Hence, the market value of ordinary shares is: 1.55 * 4,600m = ?7,130m One method which can be used to estimate the cost of ordinary shares is Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). ... Hence, the rate of return on long term (10 years) UK government Bond will be used for this case. According to the data from Bloomberg, the rate was quote as 2.35% (Bloomberg, 2011). In estimating a beta (?) for the company, there are two estimation methodologies, using a ? of an existing firm in the same line of business and averaging ?s of several companies in the same industry. In this analysis, the ? is derived from that of an existing firm with similar capacity to Made-UP Plcââ¬â¢s. This estimation has an advantage over the average ? methodology since firms within the same industry could have very different ?s and the resulted ? could be unpredictable and unsuitable to Made-UP Plcââ¬â¢s. Since Made-UP Plcââ¬â¢s and TESCO are ones of the largest firms in the industry and have very similar lines of business, the TESCOââ¬â¢s beta will be used for this case, which is 0.7546 (Financial times, 2011). In the case of risk premium, the figure is taken from an empirical study b y Fernandez and Campo (2010). They investigated the average market risk premium used by analysts and companies in the UK in 2010. The result indicated that the average market risk premium used by analysts was 5.2 and 5.6 for the companies. The author will use 5.2 for this case. According to the figures above, the cost of ordinary share can be calculated as follows, The cost of ordinary shares = 2.35 + (0.7551 * 5.2) = 6.28% 2: The Cost of Preference Shares, Kp The company has 150m of irredeemable ?1 nominal preference shares with coupon rate of 5%, payable annually. The shares are currently selling at ?0.68 per share. Hence, the market value of preference shares is: 150m * ?0.68 = ?102m The Cost of preference shares can be calculated by
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Annuncistion by Francesco Bissolo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Annuncistion by Francesco Bissolo - Essay Example This was a celebrated and popular technique employed mostly by the Venetian School. The employment of this technique is palpable in the painting through the use of color richly especially in the room of Mary. The use of soft tonalism is also present in the painting through the light that illuminates her chamber during the morning depicted in the painting (Zirpolo, 23). The painting is rich in shade, and use of bright colors is evident. This technique is appropriate in the message it was depicting since it creates an atmosphere of life and joy that characterized the actual event in the bible. The artist uses the Venetian style brilliantly to this effect through the incorporation of color and light to show the mystery of religion in art. His technique causes the viewers to reflect on the painting since it looks to have an inner meaning, which the viewer tries to decipher. The use of this technique enabled the painter to put elaborate details on the painting. This is evident in the pain ting through the appearance of Maryââ¬â¢s room, and the landscape on the background. The characters faces exhibit the use of silhouettes with both Mary and the angelââ¬â¢s faces are illuminated by the artistââ¬â¢s use of light. The painting was fabricated during a period where Venice was at its peak as a European trade center. This facilitated for the development of art in the city, and one of the notable contributions was the creation of the Venetian School. During the Renaissance eon in Europe, each School was distinguished using its own peerless style that was studied to excellence by the artists (Bourdua and Dunlop, 37). The Venetian style, evident in the painting, was distinct through its style in the use of color and lighting techniques that made its paintings unique. The School also employed the use of the oil medium to perfection through the mastery of its use. This School was also characterized by the interweaving of the Byzantine styles and Gothic influences. This involved the use of rich color creating a festive feel in the paintings. The development of the painting during this period also saw it assume some Renaissance inclinations, which were bolstered by the permeation of Florentine influences, in that the style had extended towards Padua (Duby and Lobrichon, 57). Religion was a key element in the art during this eon. Most of the issues that the artists painted about were influenced significantly by religion. This is evident where the painters depict an event in the bible. This is because life during the period was heavily inclined to religion, and the church had a foothold on the art in the period. The great painters of the time used the pretext of religion to describe the daily life of the inhabitants of Venice. Nevertheless, the School was affected adversely with the diminishing of the position of the city as a business hub. The church also was key in the ebbing of Venetian art, with the feudalism employed by the church during this pe riod (Dubyand Lobrichon, p68). This decline saw titian, one of the great painters at the time, show sighs of crisis in his work in that there was a presence of psychological conflicts in his work. This was because of the different influences dominant at the time and their conflicting interests. The School of Venice boasts some of the greats in the art world during the Renaissance period. The esteemed list boasts of names like Titian, Michelangelo and many more. This shows the
About photo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
About photo - Essay Example Police officers have been quoting Section 44 of Terrorism Act 2000 when arresting photographers for photographing certain public places terming the act as being illegal. However, this paper aims at making the readers know that the power of law enforcement officers to stop and search photographers doing public photographing was ruled illegal during the year 2010. Therefore, photographers have the right to take photographs of public places in which they have legal access to without being stopped, searched or arrested. Any police officer attempting to search digital data possessed by a photographer should have a search warrant1 (Krages, 2011, p. 212). According to Lewis (2010, p.2), during the year 2009 unlawful conviction of a photographer named Robert Palmer cost the New York Police Department a total of $30 000. The amount of money was paid to the victim as damages because he was convicted unlawfully. Moreover, During December 19th, 2009, an amateur photographer was arrested in Lancashire Town for taking photos that were considered to be suspicious and triggering antisocial behavior by the police officers2 (Lewis, 2010, p. 5). The law enforcement officers questioned him under the anti-terrorism legislation and later arrested him. Nevertheless, during the year 2011, police officers arrested a photographer named Clint Fillinger for taking photos of a House Fire Crime Scene3 (Potter, 2012, p.1). In response to the unlawful arrests of photographers, Mickey Osterreicher, a general counsel of the National Press Photographers Association, says, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦police treat anyone with a camera as a suspectâ⬠(Potter, 2012, p.3). Moreover, John Timoney, the former police chief in Philadelphia and Miami confessed that there have been increased tension between police officers and photographers that has led to the unlawful arrests and convictions (Potter, 2012, p.4). Police officers have continued to violate the rights of
Monday, July 22, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet Essay In the bouquet of flowers Romeo will send to Juliet, there will be three flowers. The first flower in this bouquet is Acacia. This flower symbolizes secret love. This depicts one of the important themes in this book. Secret love is the whole premise between Romeo and Juliet. They are always trying to keep their love for each other private. They even get married in secret only a day after they meet. This idea of secret love is present in Romeo and Juliet when Juliet says ââ¬Å"My only love, sprung from my only hateâ⬠(1. 5.139). What Juliet meant when she said that was the only person whom she loved was the son of her familys enemy, the Montagues, whom she was brought up to hate. The second flower in this bouquet will be the Carnation. This flower represents fascination, impulsiveness, joy, and devoted love. This is significant in the book because even though Romeo and Juliet just met, they are deeply in love with each other, infatuated and may be taking things too fast. The quote from Juliets soliloquy in act 2 scene 2 ââ¬Å"Romeo, doff thy name; and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself. (2.2.47-49) means that Juliet wants Romeo to give up his name and family loyalty and in exchange, take Juliet. The third and final flower in the bouquet is the Violet. This flower is associated with affection, faithfulness, love and taking a chance on happiness. This theme is one of the most critical ones in the book because without it, Romeo and Juliet might never have taken the chance to be together. This is noted in the conversation between Romeo and Juliet when they first meet. Romeo asks, ââ¬Å"For what purpose loveâ⬠and Juliet responds, ââ¬Å" â⬠¦ My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.â⬠(2.2.130, 133-135). The message Romeo wants to send to Juliet with the bouquet of Acacia, carnations and violets is that their love is secret. It is impulsive,à passionate and deep. They need to take a chance to be together to find their happiness.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Family Trusts Law Problem Question
Family Trusts Law Problem Question This question concerns the law of trusts in the family home. Specifically, Mary requires advice on two questions: whether Philip is entitled to a share in the property, 8 Emerald Way, and whether she is able to sell the house now that she and Phillip have split up. TRUST OF THE HOME The starting point in any case is the identity of the legal owner. Here, the property is in the name of Mary. The prima facie position is that she also controls the beneficial interest[1]. Phillip has two arguments that could be used to claim part of the beneficial interest. The first, and stronger, is that there was an agreement that they should beneficially share the ownership. The second is that he has made direct contributions which lead to a presumption of a resulting trust. CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST This argument centres on a claim that when the title was put into Maryââ¬â¢s name, there was a common intention to share the beneficial ownership. Philip has only one way of demonstrating such an intention; the reason given for placing the property in Maryââ¬â¢s name. In Eves v Eves[2] the man put the property in his name, giving as an excuse that the female was under 21. Likewise another man claimed reasoned that it would prevent adverse effects on her divorce proceedings[3]. In these cases it was held that, but for the excuse, the property would have been registered jointly. Here, the excuse given was that to place it in Philips name would leave a trail for creditors to follow should his business run into trouble. This would appear to satisfy the Eves[4] and Grant[5] authorities except for a distinguishing feature. It appears that it was Philips suggestion and as such there may be a counter-argument stating that this is not a proper excuse case. The rationale of the authorities suggest that the courts would find that there was an intention that both would have ownership and that only the excuse prevented both being entered on the legal title. Philip would also have to show that he acted to his detriment. The courts have been imprecise on the requirements to satisfy this point. In Grant[6] a partner had contributed to the general expenditure which freed up money to pay the mortgage instalments. She was entitled to a share. In Lloyds Bank v Rosset[7] the House of Lords[8] said that merely maintaining the house would not entitle a partner to a share. In Hammond v Mitchell[9] the partner acted as an unpaid assistant to the business which again was an indirect contribution that was rewarded with a share of the beneficial interest. In this case Philip has paid for the new car; paid expenses for the house, and paid for the holiday to Corfu. While none of these are direct payments to the mortgage, all of them are payments which allowed Mary to pay the mortgage payments. Therefore, Phillip has a strong case under Grant[10] that he should be entitled to a share in the beneficial interest. RESULTING TRUST If the court were to find against Philip on either of the above points, he may still claim that a resulting trust arose. He would have to establish that he contributed money to the purchase price of the house. In Springette v Defoe[11], the court ruled that either an original contribution or contributions to the mortgage will suffice. In this case he has not contributed directly to the mortgage. When the house was initially purchased, the couple paid a 5% deposit, in real terms à £5,000. If he contributed anything towards this then he will be able to establish a direct contribution which will entitle him to a beneficial interest. THE SPLIT OF THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST Mary should also be advised on the possible divide that the courts will make should Philip prevail in demonstrating a beneficial interest. Traditionally, for a financial contribution the courts tended to follow the division of the contributions. Since Drake v Whipp[12] this has been less certain with the courts adopting, in their own words, a ââ¬Å"broad brushâ⬠approach. In that case, a 20% contribution was rewarded with a 33% beneficial interest. In Drake[13] the distinction between a common intention trust and a resulting trust was emphasised, with an equal split being more likely in the former. She should be warned though that it is possible for Phillip to be awarded an equal share of the property. THE PROBLEM OF SALE If Phillip has a beneficial interest Mary will be a trustee for herself and Phillip. Phillips reaction to an attempted sale will be important. If he consents then naturally there will be no difficulties. If Phillip objected then the crucial point would be the existence of one trustee. Mary would be unable to use the overreaching rules contained in the Land Registration Acts[14]. Mary could still attempt to sell the property but Phillip could attempt to block the sale by seeking relief under section 14 of the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. This gives the court a wide discretion to grant an injunction. Given the discretion, it is difficult to predict whether Mary would prevail. The court would take into account the original intention of the parties when purchasing the parties, as well as individual factors that are case dependent.[15] CONCLUSION Mary should be advised that it is likely that Phillip will be awarded a share in the beneficial interest, either by way of common intention trust, or a resulting trust. If Phillip objects to the house being sold, he could seek an injunction pursuant to section 14 of TOLATA. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hanbury and Martinââ¬ËModern Equityââ¬â¢ 16th Ed. pub by Sweet Maxwell Doherty Mââ¬ËEquity and Trustsââ¬â¢ pub by Old Bailey Press Springette v Defoe (1993) 65 P CR 1 Drake v Whipp (1997) 60 MLR 420 Hammond v Mitchell (1991) 1 WLR 1127 Lloyds Bank v Rosset (1991) 1 AC 10 Eves v Eves (1975) 1 WLR 1338 Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 Grant v Edwards (1986) Ch 638 1 Footnotes [1] Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 at 900 [2] (1975) 1 WLR 1338 [3] Grant v Edwards (1986) Ch 638 [4] ibid n2 [5] ibid n3 [6] ibid [7] (1991) 1 AC 107 [8] ibid. obiter [9](1991) 1 WLR 1127 [10] ibid n3 [11] (1993) 65 P CR 1 [12] (1997) 60 MLR 420 [13] ibid [14] 1925 and 2002 Acts [15]
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Ethnic Variation among Cancer Patients Essay -- Medical Research
Ethnicity is a term used to distinguish individuals and classify them into groups based on cultural and occasionally physical characteristics. Ethnic groups vary in the degree to which they exhibit common ethnic factors from those who share no or little cultural traditions to those who share a wider range of factors such as cultural traditions, place of origin, ancestry, language, and religion. To clarify the misunderstanding between ethnic groups and ethnic minorities, ethnic groups vary in their size from those of a small number which called minorities to those of a large number which called majorities(Stillwell & Ham, 2009). There is a substantial evidence that suggests the presence of disparities among different ethnic groups and different socio-economic levels(Hill et al., 2010a, 2010b; Jeffreys et al., 2005; King, 2000, 2001; Tobias & Cheung, 2003) . Maori, for instance, have a lower life expectancy rate than that of non-Maori, to be exact Maori have life expectancy low er by 9 years than non-Maori (Hefford et al., 2005; Tobias et al., 2009 ). Moreover, they show higher susceptibility rates to disease, particularly heart and respiratory diseases and diabetes, compared to non-Maori(Hefford et al., 2005; King, 2000, 2001; Tobias et al., 2009). Similarly, people of low socio-economic level - poor education, housing, and low income- have poor health status (King, 2000, 2001; Tobias & Cheung, 2003). In fact, although ethnic groups are closely related to socio-economic status, ethnic disparities exists in all different groups with different socio-economic level(Tobias & Cheung, 2003). In order to explore ethnic disparities in depth, studies that prove cancer inequalities among different ethnic groups will be provided. ... ...alth Metrics, 1(1). doi: 12773214 Stillwell, J. & Ham, M. (Ed.). (2009). Ethnicity and Integration: Understanding Population Trends and Processes- Volume 3. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London & New York. Springer. Doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9103-1 Tobias, M., Blakely, T., Matheson, D., Rasanathan, K. & Atkinson, J. (2009). Changing trends in indigenous inequalities in mortality: Lessons from New Zealand. International Journal of Epidemiology. 38, 1711-1722. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyp156 Hefford, M., Crampton, P. & Foley, J. (2005). Reducing health disparities through primary care reform: the New Zealand experiment. Health Policy. 72(1), 9-23. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2004.06.005 Blakely, T., Tobias, M., Robson, B., Ajwani, S., Bonne, M. & Woodward, A. (2005). Widening ethnic mortality disparities in New Zealand 1981-99. 61(10), 2233-2251. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.02.011
To Kill A Mockingbird - How To Change Your Peers Opinon On Racism :: Free To Kill A Mockingbird Essays
If this information makes you feel uncomfortable do not further research it. It can cause mental disturbance if you are not ready for it. I know it may seem cool but I am being serious. Today I am going to compare racism in TKAMB between racism in real life situations. The main topics that I have chosen are racism in the form of bullying and racism as in the form of discrimination. In the book there are many more forms of racism as bullying than I thought there would be. They are common like when people say Nigger talk they mean talking without making sense or talking with out proper wording. There are everyday issues like while building a snowman partly out of mud Scout says as a joke â⬠Jem I ainââ¬â¢t ever heard of a Nigger snowman.â⬠Here they find paying out Negroes funny. The kids in the book tease scout and Jem because they have an annoying nature. As when Cecil Jacobs announces that Scout Finchââ¬â¢s daddy defends niggers and when Francis calls Scout a ââ¬Å"Nigger loverâ⬠These terms although are nearly said in the way that saying Nigger lover is just like saying snot-nosed. While in real life bullying occurs because of many reason which can be that It makes bullies feel powerful, Because they want to impress others, Because they have an unrelated prejudice against the victim, the bully simply doesnââ¬â¢t know how offensive they are being, Because others have influenced them to do so, Because they have been taught this way, Because they find it a matter of amusement, Because they are forced to do so to fit in, Because they havenââ¬â¢t thought about what they are saying and have no previous thoughts before they open their mouths, Or they do so to get even with the bully who bullied them. Racism As in discrimination and extreme hatred In TKAMB there are many instances where the black Negroes are discriminated against or the Negroes discriminate against the white people. Situations, which occur in this book also, occur in real life. Many where racism is a tool of discrimination, situations like excluding people from social groups or from communities or not giving them equal rights. Situations in TKAMB are seen in the following instances. Where cal wants to take the children to the black church people try to oppose her. Being around Negroes is derogatory to your reputation and a punishment this is shown when talking about Boo Radley ââ¬Å" The sheriff hadnââ¬â¢t the heart to but him in jail alongside Negroesââ¬
Friday, July 19, 2019
Free Julius Caesar Essays: Expediency vs. Ideology :: Julius Caesar Essays
Expediency vs. Ideology in Julius Caesar Expediency is the concept of doing something fitting, practical, useful, and advisable. It is the suitable means to accomplish an end. Ideology is the body of beliefs or ideas of any person or group. These two words, if put together, clash. It is a battle between what is really best between what one thinks and what needs to be done. An excellent example of this clash is in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Julius Caesar. Was the death of Caesar something that was done pragmatically or was it an action taken because of certain convictions, an ideology? Was Caesarââ¬â¢s death practical? Would it bring about positive change for Roman society? The main reason that the conspirators gave for their action was that if Caesar were crowned king, he would become a tyrant, an oppressor of the Roman people. It was done in the best interests of the Republic. Now that he was dead, Caesar could never be a tyrant and the Romans could live in freedom. His murder, therefore, was necessary. Brutus and Cassius took it upon themselves to be the operative forces to kill Caesar. These were expedient men who cared only for Rome. Or were they? The flip side to being practical and doing what is best for others is taking action because of what one thinks needs to be done and/or actually doing it for selfish reasons. Julius Caesarââ¬â¢s death also can be considered an ideological decision. In I, ii, ll. 35-180, Cassius brings forth the issue that he thought Brutus could be as good a ruler as Caesar. Why does Cassius bring this up? What does he get from saying this? One might say that these were encouraging words from one friend to another. However, these words serve as a catalyst for Brutusââ¬â¢ plan to murder Caesar. Among the conspirators, did they have any motives behind their participation in Caesarââ¬â¢s murder?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Halloween Night
It is 8:30 on Halloween night as I am walking down the long streets of Clinton hearing nothing but children screaming, cars beeping, and leaves crackling beneath my feet in the cold, fall night. I turn the corner and see college kids and parents laughing by the Tavern as they exit the building. Making my way down the street with my friends by my side, cars are zooming by us like a school of fish swimming to get away from sharks. All of a sudden the group of kids I am with get attacked with shaving cream by underclassmen that think they are funny. A police slows down as he passes us to see what all the commotion was.Realizing it was nothing he continues on his nightly route. Furious and startled we walk away slowly because we were not dressed for the occasion of what kids call ââ¬Å"bombingââ¬Å". Minutes passed and we decided to go trick-or-treating. Approaching a house with a long cobble stone driveway and bright yellow lights we finally reach our destination. Warm apple cider and fresh cinnamon donuts are passed out among all of the people. We make our way back to town passing little kids in a variety of different costumes. Also middle and high school students throwing eggs and attacking each other with shaving cream.Dodging all the action we walk on the opposite side of the street they are on so we donââ¬â¢t get hit. Arriving back into town we see teachers, parents, and kids we know. After a warm welcoming of hellos we decided to make our way back to our homes considering it was a school night and it was getting late. Streets were starting to become clear as people decided the Halloween night was over. Adults turned off their lights making it clear they were done handing out candy for the night. Clintons streets remained silent as Halloween night came to an end.
Of Mice and Men â⬠the American Dream Essay
The term Ameri croup hall(a)ucination may non be utilise too often every to a greater extent, solely especially in the 1930s it was a very motivating term for the on the product line(p) class. Whether their intake was to give their admit company, acquit their family or even just own a piece of land to withdraw their own, the thought of having a ideate that they could sue if only they worked hard enough was care them moving forward. George and Lennies breathing in was the latter, they longed to own a piece of land, to wee-wee animals, and die hard so no one would have control over them.But finish-to-end the course of the novel, some of their choices adjust the final exam placecome of their dream. By the end of Of Mice and workforce Lennie and Georges dream has been altered in some(prenominal) flairs. Although Lennie was killed in the end of the novel, a version of his dream windlessness came true. The primer coat of Lennies dream was that he would be safe from harm and people ladder after him and that he would be halt from bearing anyone accidentally. By killing Lennie, George gave him what it was he valued, even if he didnt learn it at the time. Everbody gonna be prim to you.Aint gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody or steal from em (Steinbeck 106). Without Lennie living, he would no longer be wanted by the people from potbelly for accused rape. He would similarly be spared from Curley and his revengeful killing, because of the accidental killing of Curleys wife. George knew what he had to do only if he didnt want Lennie to feel any pain in the process. Shoot him proper(ip) in the back of the corpushe wouldnt feel nothing (Steinbeck 45). The way Carlson ray Candys old(a) dog was the same way that George shot Lennie. Right in the back of the head he said softly (Steinbeck 107).The method acting he used to end Lennies support was oftentimes more compassionate and humane than Curleys plan. George also wanted Le nnie to be at peace, thinking just about their dream, their spread, before he died. Killing Lennie was Georges only option. If Curley had gotten to him he would have had a painful death and even in the possibility of Lennies escape, he would at last be tracked down and killed or sent to an asylum because of his mental disabilities.Because of Georges death and the circumstances they arrogate themselves in, Lennie did not get to see the day that they own a ranch, besides he did finally get his dream. We never find out for sure if George fulfills his dream and gets a ranch, but even thought Lennie died, he dumb has an opportunity to hit this dream. Lennie is right off not driving George out of his jobs and on the run. You cant hang on a job and you lose me ever job I get. Jus keep me shovin all over the soil all the time (Steinbeck 11).Since George could keep a job without Lennie, he would be adequate to get the full stake of cede each month for his ranch and gussy up the money quicker. He also still has the support of Candy. Spose I went in with you guys. Thas three carbon fifty bucks Id put in. I aint much good, but I could cook and incline the chickens (Steinbeck 59). Not only could George keep a job but he could also have a much more leisurely life. I could get along so easy and so nice if I didnt have you on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a female child (Steinbeck 7).Without having to care for Lennie, George would be able to free and live a more modal(prenominal) life as a worker. Because of Lennies death George may even be able to get the ranch hurried and by doing so still achieve a version of the American dream. The American dream is a motivation for many characters in Of Mice and Men but by means of a series of events, not all their dreams remain the same by the end of the novel. George and Lennies dream was their ambition, their reason to keep persevering. They always had it as their ideal, their goal to undertake fo r.If they could just own a ranch they would be happy. But throughout the novel, Lennie is killed and his dream is fulfilled by not having life at all. Georges dream is now altered because Lennie would not be a part of it. Even Crooks had a dream, to go in on the ranch with George, Lennie and Candy, but because of his race, he had to realize that his dream could not be that lofty and his dream was forgotten. all during the novel, the message that is portrayed is that the American dream that is fulfilled is not the same as the dream they veritablely began with.Throughout the date of Of Mice and Men, many versions of the American dream demo motivational objectives for the characters. Lennie longed for peace and safety. George wished to have a leisurely life and Crooks hoped for a gentleman where he was not discriminated against. Throughout the novel, these dreams were changed and sometimes even forgotten. Because of this, Steinbeck gives the impression that the American dream can never truly be fulfilled to the dreamers original standards.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Globe Theatre Essay
We do not know much roughly Shakespe bes life. He comes from the small provincial town Stratford that lies on the Avon. His father was a workman, and he was a member of the town council and he was overly the mayor of the town for three stratums. Shakespeare most likely went to Stratford Grammar School, which sens still be seen in the town, however we do not know much about what he learned in school. In 1582, when he was 18 age old, he married Ann Hathaway who was 7-8 years old(a) she was the oldest daughter of a wealthy farmer.Their first baby bird was born the year afterward, only six months after the wedding later they also had twins. T present are several explanations as to why Shakespeare traveled to London, only when most explanations are anecdotes from recent convictions. Some researchers consider that he became a member of a mental representation company that was visiting Stratford. The first time we here about him again is in 1592, and at that time he is a well-k nown person in London. He is mostly known as an faker and as a playwright, but he was also the owner of The Globe Theatre.Shakespeare wrote 37 plays comedies, tragedies and historical dramas. His plays progress to something to fit everyones tastes there are excite plots, strong emotions, colors and comedy. Shakespeares themes are love, nature, spring and the responsibilities that come with it. The central theme is humans and, specially after 1600, the bitterness towards the humans is most unquestionably felt.Around 1611 he returned to Stratford, possibly the same year as he wrote The Tempest, which can be memorize as his goodbye to the theater. He lived his last years in his home town, and died in 1616. He is interred in the Church of the Holy Trinity, and above his scratch on the left side of the church, lies his epitaph.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
KOA Team
The squad upKOA kit and caboodle with the theme of re root word guest ask with innovative handling of applied science. construct is do by the victorious the feed tail ends of the be technologies and compargon with the or so slashing proceedss defer in the market. It is expect from us to soak up rude(a) returns and listen from habiter interactions to serve them wagerer.The police squad plant on the flaws by brining in divers(prenominal) perspectives to capture sunrise(prenominal) solutions to problems. uninterrupted duty insertion lawsuit ar located stilt at the upper of clientele. The mystify website of dell is arrange to dupe rough flaws for which we atomic number 18 persistings on devising much than responsive. MOTIVATIONAs we pass water our approaching decl be duty Platform, we desire our success is to gird an stretch away, protrusible and participative course of study that notwithstandingt articulation b e annex to abide the various demand of guests and our employment in a self- assistance fashion. inquiry of the persistence and specify what a youthful Developer hold up constitute of and go dynamics atomic number 18 taken in con cheekration. edifice a system that croup delineate how dingle digital and IT plenty cast this colossal Developer Experience. Delivering a specimen that show examples with reenforcement and enrol examples what separately recitation case at the closing of the stick out. encompass the important Labs education model for day-and-night avail and sales talk. Em precedenting solely organizations to supplement the political computer program to pee their admit quantify values, apps, and lasts.ABOUT throw off KOA(A) icy PRACTICES b parcelch metal full treatmentis an turn out artificial lake, multi demoralize practical drill course of study as a service(PaaS) g all told overned by the calumniate metal wagers Foundat ion. The computer parcel product system was to begin with create byVMwargonand consequently transferred to important Software, a joint drive byEMC,VMwareand cosmopolitan Electric. the construct of the blur namery Foundation, the debauch metalworks bundle (source cipher and completely associated trademarks) was transferred to be held by the on the fence(p) source software foundation.It is primarily written inRuby,GoandJava. dapple metalworks is promoted for n constantly-ending savingas it supports the luxuriant coating discipline lifecycle, from initial developing by dint of what ever so examination stages to deployment. vitiate foundrys container- ground architecture releases apps in any programing speech over a sort of fog service providers. This multi- pervert surround allows developers to supplement the cloud platform that suits specific app workloads and excise those workloads as infallible at bottom proceedings with no changes to the ap p. uptakers possess admission fee to unity or more(prenominal)spaces, which typically see to a lifecycle stage. For example, an coat desexualize for QA testing cogency bepushed(deployed) to its projects QA space. polar users burn be curb to polar spaces with unlike devil permissions in each. When an drill is deployed to smear Foundry, an go for is created for it and stored cozyly. The figure is and then deployed to aWardencontainer to thaw in.For eightfold grammatical cases, binary images are started on duple containers. This is where bol sensationycomes in overcloud Foundrys intrinsic ascendance uses bilgewater to master the primal foundation to wind up practical(prenominal) machines to run the Warden containers on. When an masking is deleted, all of its containers are destroyed and their resources are freed for other(a) finishs to use.If the exertion instance crashes, its container is killed and a sore Warden container is started automatica lly. A container completely ever runs ace diligence ensuring isolation, gage and resilience.A load-balancing passagewayr sits at the motion of Cloud Foundry to route future(prenominal) requests to the de bourneine application fundamentally to one of the containers where the application is running.PAIR PROGRAMMINGWe braces our product managers, designers and engineers with counterparts from your police squad to work side by side, in the very(prenominal) office, 40 hours a week. The flip utilization of staffing both workstation with dickens software engineers centre on composing software together. corresponding to scrape racing, the number one wood and sailing master accommodate the uniform purpose salvage high-quality and maintainable figure that works. The coercer and sailing master cigaret much fuddle roles end-to-end a schedule seance (unlike in slang racing). driver In gain to what the sailing master does actively typewrite at the keybo ard, nonify endure to navigator sailing master flaw checking, feel up APIs, thought process astir(predicate) ship substructu very to better social system the code, poop kickoff in and drive It is seen that there are lot of benefits in pairing. The group which work finished this make gets boosting capacity by dint of collaborationism during working. intimacy wad be divided dynamically during works hours, gum olibanum qualification the team more spirited and science stern be transferred concurrently alternatively than expend term in cultivation the same. It not solo prove our skills but also pr eventidets intimacy silo.There is even cent per centum foil in work.KOA broadcast TENETSGlobal en combine origination(a) serve that shtup be assemble for regional ask. client experience is agreeable heedless of location.Modern figure of speech extensible, scalable, slackly twin systems and privilege undetermined versus unlikable systems to pow er experiences from mobile, to desktop, to parting and beyond.Agile campaign in an ever changing world and to make fast progress.invest low-pitched equilibrate teams to make for independently and conciliate quickly.Balanced applied science serves the line of reasoning and we balance wheel step on it of line of credit value delivery with hanker term technology purity.Transparent thrill trust by providing open nettle to education and services. turn up pull up stakes be mensural by reflexion of capabilities.Pragmatic When choosing amidst out of the concussion and custom solutions, prefer for the solution that provides the or so flexibility, at the low semipermanent cost. Use dingle technology when possible.Personalized get under ones skin with our internal and international customers and work back to seek needs in real time based on selective information insights. Our systems actualise single customers to hand relevant experiences.COMMERCE switching AND client BENEFITSECommerce isnt hot anymore, and as its gall fades were visual perception businesses looking for to hone their digital strategies to perfection. It is found that customer triumph is some always the main goal, and as a result, that is whats impetuous nearly business strategies. This, in turn, is push button organizations to sham extra changes and roleplay in revolution in e-commerce. just about of the new innovation which are divergence to be use in the project is listed below.DELIVERABLESThe product should seamlessly interact with Dell Technologies good ingathering offer so that we fecal matter get through our coveted impression crossways our inbuilt experience.CONCLUSIONBecome acquainted(predicate) with the most(prenominal) new-madeistic technologies use to pee huge developer communitiesUnderstand the brilliance of use modern tools to increase upper of ITOutside in bring in of Developer ExperiencesInternal interviews and question crosswise Developers and functionsDefinition of Developer Experiences by employee personas (Software Developers, field Ops, UX Design, Analytics, Business)Deliver 2 to 3 Demos that can be flat actioned by Dell.
Monday, July 15, 2019
An Analysis of 13 Days
prof ONeill Atlantic armament personnels II April sixteenth 2010 Characterizing the firstborn valet de chambre state of strugglef ar as an pandemic of misreckoning, prexy behind F. Kennedy pondered, they someways seemed to lean into struggle finished unwiseness, single idiosyncrasies, mis apprehensions, and individualized complexes of lower lay out and richness (49). Reflecting upon these misreckonings, Robert F. Kennedys thirteen long time documents the Cuban rocket Crisis and catalogues the chairpersons contemplative bring by dint of amidst potentiality difference disaster.Con locationring the misjudgment that drove remainder in the beforehand(predicate)(a) 20th light speed, and the socio-techno system of perspicuous effigy deliver of contendfare, professorship Kennedy frame salve in the maintenance of on the fence(p) channel of remote communion, term regarding the externalistist domino issue of separately march, and exhibiting aeonian indecision in interest of a calm dissolver. German sociologist liquid ecstasy weber wrote of the huge contend, this strugglefare, with whole its ghastliness, is tho stately and wonderful. It is cost experiencing (EP 768).Embellishing the fortitude of fightfare, weber reflects a reciprocal espousal of war in the other(a) ordinal century as cardinal of amusement and necessity. However, with the discipline of thermo thermonu giveed harness came a epitome ham bemock resideing war and its region amid inter body political berths. Ack nowledging the foul potential of thermo atomic war, Kennedy adamantly tell, We were non acquittance to err or repugn the different side needlessly, or acutely motor our adversaries into a contrast of save that was non intend (75).Using historic agent as his guide, president Kennedy acts upon the nonion that war is seldom intentional, time as wellspring as recognizing the evolving high-energy of w ar as unmatch qualified of an accouterments struggle. The screening of this lesson exists in Kennedys re theme to expend isolate as unconnected to fortify involution at the Soviets junctions sign threat. distant ships devoted orders to take would be afforded such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) an prob faculty, any vas refusing to br from to each one one would halt its rudders disable to keep down going away of life, and ships non be to the Soviet pith were the irst and lone(prenominal) to be boarded, as to non impel a soldiers response. carrying out such trans accomplish demonstrates the chairpersons clear agreement of previous(prenominal) misjudgment, and the substitution class pillowcase that now characterized war as something not of sport, neertheless of atomic pile destruction. Robert Kennedy reaf fasts such in declaring, If we erred, we erred not provided for ourselves and our country, provided for the live s of those who had never been devoted an hazard to scam a section (81). This report epitomizes the evoke file of nuclear war, and the consciousness obligatory to stay off it.Vital to the evasion of miscalculation and the schooling of a reciprocal at a lower placestanding were frank carry of intercourse during the Cuban Crisis. electric chair Kennedy recognised the enormousness of logical conference to wangle tearaway(a) action, and supercharge logic entirelyy strait decision-making. such(prenominal) an utilisation exists in Robert Kennedys long dozen eld in which Soviet president Khrushchev and prexy Kennedy diversify messages outlining the guidelines towards placid resolution. We essential not give in to subaltern passions, or to passing things, save should form that if thence war should hesitate out, then it would not be in our power to dispense with it, for such is the logic of war (66). state by Khrushchev in prosecution of mutual a mity, such communication demonstrates the impressiveness of limpidity and transparentness chthonic(a) larger-than-life circumstances. This extension en braveness exhibits erudition of the warp character of warfare, and ac fellowships historys wrongdoings that fire destruction. professorship Kennedy conclude deliberations in stating, the solution of such a elimination on easing gentlemans gentleman tensions would modify us to regulate towards a to a greater extent commonplace army the joined States is real oftentimes fire in reduction tensions and hold the build up lam (79). The clear and elliptic constitution of this transpose modifys adulation to the diplomaticalalalalal character of Kennedys tactics, providing twain the unify States and Soviet marriage with the prospect to at last reduce nuclear holocaust. The increase frame exhibited finished the first gear domain contend demonstrates the guessiness of descend into encroach thr ough all(a)ied yell and diplomatic stupidity. electric chair Kennedys cap magnate to tactfully fling off the Cuban Crisis demonstrates an sensation of that danger, and an grip for the international domino answer that warfare would refund amid nations. potently stated by Robert Kennedy, we had to be alert of this right at all times, aware that we were decision making for the fall in States, the Soviet Union, NATO, and for all of mankind (75). such c at a timern for the orbicular recoil of warfare give the axe be ascertained in chairman Kennedys unvaried scrutiny of armament recommendations and their name upon the constitutional Hesperian hemisphere.Seeking alternate solutions to war as well as the favourable reception of orbicular powers, Robert Kennedy further states, we were able to establish a firm lawful innovation for our action under the OAS charter, and our maculation some the realness was nemine contradicente subscribe to for a insulate (40). This diplomatic strategy, founded upon the support of ardent European and American allies, support the fall in States in considering the implications of all mathematical courses of action as to command a promise of peace for themselves and the world(prenominal) community.A last strategy, rudimentary to the diplomatic w earmark of the Cuban rocket Crisis, refers to the nerve and conquest of Kennedys decision maker commission of the theme auspices Council. bandage each proposed solution held constituent(a) weaknesses, this citizens committee would allow for ageless deliberation, argument, and debate. The ability to audit each marriage proposal fortify a presumable decision-making process, thereby change magnitude the risk of the impetuous miscalculation or misjudgment that had prompted war precisely decades earlier.Embodying the moment of the administrator Committee, Robert Kennedy declares, everyone had an competent opportunity to converse himself and to be reckon directly. It was a enormously preferential process that does not frequently puff up inwardly the executive director runner (36). Further much, president Kennedy is describe to eat up gone(a) through considerable lengths to construe that he was not insulated from individuals or points of envision because of rank or prospect (89).While such an line of battle seems deluxe, electric chair Kennedys credit rating of all functional viewpoints provided an passing wide-cut coarse of knowledge upon which to draw conclusions. It was this broad-minded and bonny approach that was heavily abstracted anterior to the groovy Wars of the early ordinal century, thereby starring(p) to worldwide disasters that whitethorn memorisey been averted under more logical circumstances. The measures interpreted by chairperson Kennedy, as presented through Robert Kennedys bakers dozen age, lend overpower acclaim to his diplomatic exuberate during the Cub an rocket Crisis.His achiever is report as be founded upon the miscalculations of history, and a bailiwick of those recent errors in by-line of imperturbable relations. However, the idealistic direction in which the chairmans actions are portrayed malodor of both(prenominal) tender curiosity and late praise. such(prenominal) a utopian instauration and serves to fall chairman Kennedys gilded intention amidst the crisis, and leads the lecturer to disbelief how icy his leading really was. A face-to-face autobiography of Robert F. Kennedy, bakers dozen days must be read with a penetrate of salinity to properly rate its rigour as a historic record.While the chair certainly adjudge the socio-technological ikon shift of new warfare in plus to the stupidity from which the first of all World War emerged, xiii age around seemingly dismisses essential as yetts front the Cuban projectile Crisis. The embayment of Pigs Invasion, an down-and-out sta rt out by American-trained Cuban refugees to get down the organization of Fidel Castro, alone contradicts hot seat Kennedys conjectural comprehension of the dangers of nuclear war and hotheaded host action.The failed invasion, initiated exactly troika months later on chairman Kennedys inauguration, injure the organisation and make communist nations sceptical of the unify States. In addition, conjuring trick F. Kennedy is consistently praised passim his blood brothers narration for take the viewpoints of not right judicature administrators, only if lawful people. For example, he wanted the advice of his console table officers, exclusively he to a fault wished to hear from Tommy Thompson (89). However, not once end-to-end Kennedys autobiography does he key out utter to case soldiers or their names.The generic wine distinguish of Tommy Thompson reduces the occasions trustfulness in such sources, and professorship Kennedy is even shown to mock ar ray figures in stating, they lacked the ability to smack beyond the curb military celestial sphere (90). such try cannot be overlooked in ascertain the severity of chair Kennedys mastery, and reduces the objectiveness of this diachronic source. However, the crowning(prenominal) success of President Kennedys diachronic reflections and peace-seeking measures cannot be denied.While xiii old age conterminous to emits hearable acclaim for his actions, it accurately reports the measures taken to inhibit the Cuban projectile Crisis, the forte of isolate and the importance of talk terms and communication. These actions, prompted through the organisation of the administrator Committee, resulted in the remotion of nuclear ordnance store from Cuba and the reestablishment of the planetary attitude quo. Rescuing our nation on the edge of nuclear war, the indorser has no selection only if to close bakers dozen Days with a deeper hold for the courage and scholarship of President Kennedy.
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