Friday, June 7, 2019
The Impact Of Behavior On Individual Success Essay Example for Free
The Impact Of Behavior On Individual Success EssayINTRODUCTION Success elbow room disagreeent things to different people. For some it subject matter having a healthy family, living in a nice seat, and formulateing at a good job. For opposites it means fancy cars, glamorous surroundings, fame and of course, fortune. In addition, each persons definition of success departs as his or her life moves and changes.At angiotensin-converting enzyme blame in life, success might mean f tot every(prenominal)ying in love and entering into a long-term relationship with another person at another point it might mean devoting a significant amount to travel or put the kids through school and at still another point in time, it might mean devoting a significant amount of time and energy to spiritual matters, Even though every someone has a different and changing definition of success, what motivates each and ever one of us to pursue success is our desire for a happier and more fulfilling life . Success, therefore, is more or so emotional satisf run than it is about maternal reality. It is more of a state of mind than a state of organism. When we set our sights on a new job, more money, a new car, a soften relationship, what we be really asking for is happiness that is a very worthy goal. We guide become a society that desires immediate gratifications above all else. More often than not, when we watch television or go to the movies, we see this desire projected onto characters who usually have no real means of earning a living, but who possess everything we want money, lovely homes, and umteen other material things. There is no great mystery surrounding what constitutes the material dimension. Our ability to imply inwardly, to reason, is what separates us from other living creatures. This ability to think inwardly and pursue tranquility is what makes living worthwhile. This paper looks at the impact of appearance on individual success and the ways people can c leanse their success by improving their behaviors and actions.The finishance of a railway line depends on how its organization behaves in the middle of dynamic environment, competition and modify consumers. The success and failure of a line of reasoning firm rely much on the type of its organisational behavior. A business firm encounters uncertainty and risk in its operation which mostly related to changes in the economic condition, consumer preferences and competitors. There is besides the challenge brought by the highly private-enterprise(a) market that a business firm has to face. In addition, organizational behavior includes changes in its inbred organization such as the employees, shareholders and the management.George Jones (2000) define organizational behavior as the arena of the many factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations and how organizations manage their environments. It deals with the interaction between the organization and the individuals or its employees. The study of organizational behavior provides a set of tools that explains why people in an organization stay for many years or leave in a short period of time.It overly explains why there are people who are considered assets in a company but others are not. The study of organizational behavior also serves as an instrument that allows the management to identify strength and weaknesses of each individual or group. In this way, promoting changes in an organization will improve the capacity of each member to achieve the organizations common goal and objective. Gibson et al (2002) maintains that effective management of behaviors needs an understanding of theory seek and practice. It is essential that these three characteristics be incorporated both in individual and organizational success.Author Derrick sums up his idea of an ethical way of life as being a passionate way of life as well when he begins his book with the saying that An ethical endeavor at which you can work with passion and integrity is a key component in a satisfying life. Derrick is not the common self-help psychology author. The reader is made to feel that what he says is sacred and worth reading. He has all his insights about life in that book. It seems that passion is a main issue to him as he repeats it again on page 18 as he says. An ethical life is, of necessity, a passionate one (p. 18).As one reads the book, the reader is reminded how the values he expounds in his book can be linked to actual work settings. For instance, the value of courage as he explains is not so much in being brave but in owning up to ones duties and responsibilities. Blaming has never been an asset in any company, specially a prison where a stray can be fatal when things go awry.When people start blaming other departments for the problems that arise, then, there must something wrong with the way that institution has been establishedin the origin place. What is s ure though is the faulty attitude that makes up that particular organization. This is also a big communication barrier that needs immediate remedy. When one has a grudge against someone, he tends to make that someone responsible for everything he finds wrong. But when one is honest about his dealings with people, then that honesty returns back to him many folded. When a person in one department blames someone, his desire to judge and punish is often what is at work. Someone blames another when he is angry because the action made things turn out differently than he wishedif not through his words, then through his manner and tone of voice. One can put all the responsibility for what happened to him, in a way that implies what he did was wrong or bad. Moreover, blame breeds resentment. its your fault is a red-flag phrase. It is to a person what a matadors cape is to a bull. The hooker in blame is that smidgen of truth in what one said or implied.One can seldom say, Thats just what you feel-it has nothing to do with me. When a persons blamer goes to work, it is very canny.It knows exactly where to go zap, where to pick out that nasty kernel of truth. A set artist is an expert at zeroing in on where you feel bad about oneself and making him feel even smaller there. Two messages get commingle up in blame one partys statement of how he feels (Im angry and disappointed) and ones evaluation of the other party (Scum like you shouldnt be aloud to work in this company.).The feelings about the situation are often hidden in the you-are-bad message, instead of being said straight out. One-way blaming in the organization is overcome is help open up communication between two blaming departments. Members of these departments must also be reminded that they need to take responsibility for their part in what happened. In the end, there is respect to the proper authorities. Each organization has its own characteristics depicted by the behaviors of its members or employees. They share a common behavior which is already established among them even though employees come and go over time. This common behavior is considered as an organizational culture that bonds the relationship among employees and management. Employees will only adapt to this culture and it is difficult for anyone to part.Hence, an organizational culture also influences the behavior of an individual. Since it is very hard to deviate from an organizational culture, adjustment in most cases takes time. Organizational culture also changes overtime. An example of this is the changes in workplace environment. Traditionally, a workplace environment is characterized by workstation, ability space or building. With the advent of new technology in communication, the use of virtual office has been introduced. A virtual office allows an employee to work at home or at any place of his or her convenience. An organization culture may develop in this kind of work environment that will lead even workers located all over the globe. The introduction of new technologies in communication, the internet in particular, provides many opportunities for many business firms. Business firms can dramatise its market from local to international customers. However, business firms will also face the threat of increasing competition and the uncertainty of customer preferences. The diversity of the competitors and costumers in the ground market is a big challenge for creating new business strategies. Competitors are diversified in terms of product features, prices and selling schemes. On the other hand, customers differ in preferences, taste and purchasing power. In addition, the international market itself is diversified in terms of government regulations, technological facilities, culture, tradition and religion. (Leading Quietly). The new challenges brought by the diversified international market require organizational effectiveness and efficiency to succeed in business. Organizational effectiv eness and efficiency rely much on the business strategies that decision-makers formulate.Each organization is unique and has its own characteristics. This means that decision-makers such as managers and corporate heads must have business strategies fit to the needs of the organizations. Decisions should consider internal and external factors as well as short- and long-term goals that affect business goals. However, any decision made also comes with risk in which the outcome may not be satisfactory. But this may serve as a adopting experience for an organization to improve its performance in the future especially in terms of the way they conduct their business (Business Ethics). Organizational learning is part of an organizations development process. Business strategies evolve overtime as market shifts from simple to complex customer needs. Effective learning process among decision-makers includes their relationship with the market, colleagues and the organization. They should learn as an individual to make themselves more capable and effective.They should also learn as an organization to impart with them the organizations goals and objectives. Organizational learning varies in different form. Some organizations learn from external factors while others learn from within. External factors such as business cycles, economic condition and competitors behavior influence managements decision. Likewise, internal factors such as employees empowerment, management change and organizational restructure affect business performance.Asking is a process of learning within an organization. It is not wrong for a manager to ask or seek suggestions from his or her subordinates. This management style can introduce teamwork within the organization. The role of a manager may shift from one who direct, commands or dictates tasks to one who coaches, coordinates or oversees business goals. However, this type of management practice requires that employees should share with the organiza tions goal, mission and strategies.This only happens if communication between the organization and the employees has been well-established. Communication starts in the beginning of employment. Each employee should be aware of the organizations mission, vision and goal. He or she knows the importance of the job that he or she will perform and how this will contribute to achieve the organizations goal. An employees perception may be different from the way he or she behaves in an organization. However, better communication between the organization itself and the employees will facilitate as corrective tools to the perception of an employee that might be influenced by his or her work environment.Bell has insightful nuggets of wisdom interspersed in his book as he views corrupt leaders as being too much money-oriented. People need to be apprised about standing up for ones true beliefs. An example here iswhen departments do not communicate or update the status of information, because the y are afraid the boss will be angry. To avoid this, employees must be able to follow up to determine whether important messages have been understood. Feedback doesnt have to be verbal in fact, actions often speak louder than words. The sales manager who describes desired changes in the monthly sales planning report receives feedback from the report itself when it is moody in. If it contains the proper changes, the manager knows the message was received and understood. Managers who tell everyone to see the big picture often create a serious communication overload. Rather than assay to keep everyone involved, top-level management need to follow the need-to-know principle transmitting communication and updating people in other areas of the organization that need the necessary information. sometimes it is useful to regulate the flow of information and procedures that need to be brought to the attention of the people in the other departments. As long as performance locomote within the acceptable range, the regular procedures are followed.ReferencesBell, D.(2002). Ethical Ambition Living a Life of Meaning and Worth. Sept.- Oct. 2002Bloomsbury of New York and London October 2002.Business Ethics. Retrieved Jan 11, 2007 athttp//, J., Jones, G. (2000). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall, Inc. Retrieved Jan 11, 2007 atfrom, http//, James, Ivancevich, John, Donnelly, James and Konopaske, Robert. (2002).Organizations Behavior, Structure Process. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 11th edition.Leading Quietly. Retrieved Jan 11, 2007 athttp//
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