Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research paper about social learning theories Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

About social learning theories - Research Paper Example Moreover, scholars advocate for the enactment of fair laws that enhance criminal justice because socialization directly affects development of self. The learning theory examines the stages and processes that lead to acquisition of knowledge, development of self, and the influence of peers to socialization. According to Ryberg (300), the social learning theory recommends different approaches to curbing the rise in cases of crime in the society. For instance, the theory recommends the use of preventive and intervention policies in controlling crime. As discussed in the piece, the theory seeks to devise alternatives for the implementation of policies that are instrumental when curbing crime. Consequently, it is necessary to highlight the implications of fundamental policies that address crime in the society. Albert Bandura, Robert L. Burgess and Ronald L. Akers are scientists who rooted for the development of the learning theory and its application when addressing crime in the society. In his works, Bandura argued that crime resulted from individual’s conformation to their environment. It is a choice that people make when options for survival are limited (Tibbetts 148). According to Bandura, people develop their identity through interactions with external stimuli. Thereafter, conscious development takes place in individuals. The development is in response to the expectations from the society. People choose to behave in a particular way to conform to the expectations of the society (Tibbetts 29). Behaviors results from response instigated by the social stimuli. As a result, behavior affects attitudes of individuals. Bandura adds that formation of identity begins in childhood before proceeding to the later stages of development in life. For example, a child might develop poor sexua l tendencies based on his understanding of societal development. He becomes conscious of the ideals propagated within the society. According

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