Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Social media advertising on airline industries Article

Social media advertising on airline industries - Article Example These sites are not only used by youngsters, but businessmen/women, housewives, and even retired people use them to get connected with their friends, share their thoughts with the world and find entertainment as well. The most popular sites Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn generate heavy traffic from all kinds of people around the globe. All these sites although have different purposes but are easily used by advertisers to advertise brands in a cost-effective and more interactive way. Social Networks Advertising (SNA) is a very distinct form of advertising. There can ads that are pushed to the consumers, and some that the consumers pull towards themselves. There are some advertisements that require the companies to pay to the social networking sites, whereas there are some that are for free (e.g. Fan pages, twitter profile etc.) There are some that are merely adaptation of the print media (e.g. Banner ads) whereas others are unique for the social media (e.g. fan pages, micro blogging etc) In the beginning only FMCGs or Restaurants marketed themselves on the social media. But now even if you are a service company or you belong to an automobile industry, or you have a small business, you need to have your brand’s social media presence. This research paper will see how social media is used in the airline industry. Most of the great airlines have a social media presence and are engaging with their customers through these interactive mediums. However there are still some airlines where they consider social media as â€Å"just a silly fad† as mentioned in the article â€Å"All that twitters† by Madhu Unnikrishnan & Robert Wall. The article gives the example of JetBlue airline which has 1.4 million followers on Twitter. The company focuses on listening to what customers say and solving their customer service issues with the help of twitter. Many social media analysts say that even if the brand is not online, it will still be discussed there by the

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